
Location: China Mainland

State/Province/City: Jiangsu

City: Changzhou

Business Unit: Store

Time Type: Full-time

Description & Requirements



产品教育家顾名思义,就是进行产品教育!产品教育家的主要职责是高效地向客人宣介,让客人了解我们产品的面料、特点、版型和功能,以及我们的文化和我们所属的社区。我们的目标是让客人在离开我们的门店时能学到一些东西,而不是购买一些东西。通过向客人宣介,我们让客人有能力根据我们提供的事实为自己做出决定。这样顾客购物时不再靠猜想,从而打造出“哇!就是这里!”的效果。客人体验打造完成后,顾客会带着所学知识,代表 lululemon去向他人宣介。真诚可信的对话是提供出色客人体验的关键,将您自身对 lululemon 产品的体验转述给客人。


  • 通过客人的亲身体验,真实讲述产品的使用情况,在产品、文化、社区等方面为客人提供非凡的“产品教育”和客人体验
  • 产品教育:宣传产品的特点、优点、面料特性、使用方法和推荐洗护指南
  • 文化宣介:“展示”公司内部文化,包括:有趣的态度、尊重、支持、授权、鼓励、激情、与其他员工的互动,以及店内对生活方式的讨论(如瑜伽、健身、健康和乐趣)
  • 社区宣介:确保客人留意店内社区公告栏,了解关于瑜伽、健身及相关社区资讯的信息和资源。我们是社区所有热汗活动的中心!

  • 在零售区让客人体验到热情和乐趣
  • 接收/处理从仓库收到的库存,包括:开箱、清点、视需要贴标签、折叠、按尺码分类、在门店 floor 销售区放好,将多余的库存放在后仓和库房
  • 协助门店准备工作,包括:按颜色、尺寸和数量要求补充服装款式和其他商品;折叠、按尺码分类、视需要进行商品推销
  • 视需要回答电话咨询
  • 确保工作区的库存补充
  • 确保将更衣室的物品按尺寸和标签放回适当的区域
  • 做好裤子裁剪的准备事宜,包括用别针固定,完成必要的单据(顾客/门店裁剪单据),告知完成时间
  • 安排邮寄和/或送货(按需要)到其他地点和/或仓库
  • 完成分配的晚间清洁工作
  • 利用 POS 收银系统,处理付款和退换货,发放礼品卡
  • 准备改衣事宜,以便顾客次日取货
  • 根据需要开箱盘点。箱子可重 10-30 磅
  • 根据门店经理或副经理的指示执行/完成其他必要的或要求的项目、职责和任务


  • 对瑜伽和/或所要求的其他健身、健康或运动活动的热爱、知识和参与。我们希望您能够和门店团队一同参与门店内外的每周健身活动
  • 积极、乐观、热情、友好、真诚
  • 具有团队精神,能独立工作
  • 负责、可靠
  • 有远见,关注问题的解决办法
  • 良好的口头和书面沟通技巧
  • 良好的客人互动、组织和时间管理能力
  • 能够并愿意接受和提供反馈意见
  • 较强的问题解决和决策能力


  • 大专及以上学历,商科、市场营销、零售或相关专业学士学位优先考虑
  • 基础的电脑知识

Educator is truly the most important role in lululemon, and we rely on our educators to authentically share our culture and brand with their community.

About the role 

Educators at lululemon athletica do just that! They educate! Their main role is to effectively educate our guests on the fabrics, features, fit and function of our product, our culture, and the communities we belong to. Our goal is to have guests leave our stores having learned something, rather than having purchased something. By educating guests we empower them to make decisions for themselves based on the facts that we offer them. The guesswork is taken out of shopping for customers, and a ‘Wow! It’s You!’ guest experience is created, leaving customers with the knowledge to educate others on behalf of lululemon athletica. Authentic conversations are key to delivering the ultimate guest experience by relaying your experiences with lululemon products to the guest. 

A Day in the Life 

Education and Guest Experience:
  • Provides guests with world-class ‘education’ and guest experience in the areas of product, culture, and community by speaking authentically about product use through their own experiences
  • Product Education: communicates special features, benefits, fabric properties, usage, and best care instructions
  • Culture Education: ‘demonstrates’, the culture held within the company, including: attitude of fun, respect, support, empowerment, encouragement, passion, interaction with other staff, and in-store discussion of lifestyle (i.e. yoga, fitness, health and fun)
  • Community Education: ensures guest is aware of in-store community bulletin board – for information and resources regarding yoga and other health, fitness and related community information. We are the hub for all sweaty endeavors in our communities!

Floor Duties 
  • Creates excitement and FUN for our guests on the retail floor
  • Receives/processes stock received from warehouse, involving unpacking, counting, tagging as required, folding, sizing and placing on the floor, with overflow stock in back room and stored areas
  • Assists in preparing the store for the day including replenishing garment styles and other merchandise by color, size, and quantity requirements; folding, sizing, and merchandising as required
  • Answers phone inquiries as required
  • Ensures stock replenishment in work areas
  • Ensures items from change rooms are returned to appropriate area - sized and tagged
  • Prepares pants for hemming including pinning, completing necessary documentation (customer/store hemming slip); and educating regarding timelines for completion
  • Arranges for mail and/or delivery, as required, to other locations and/or warehouse
  • Completes assigned clean up evening duty
  • Utilizes the Point of Sale cash system, processes payments, refunds and exchanges and issues gift cards
  • Prepares alterations for pick up the next day
  • Unpacks boxes for inventory as required. Boxes can weigh 10 - 30 lbs
  • Under the direction of the Store/Assistant Manager performs/completes other additional project, duties, and assignments as required and/or by request

Our “Must Haves” 

  • Passion, knowledge and involvement in yoga, and/or other fitness, health or sports activities required. We expect that you will be enrolled in participating in weekly fitness activities in and out of the store with the store team
  • Upbeat, optimistic, passionate, friendly and authentic
  • Excellent team player and ability to work independently
  • Responsible and dependable
  • Proactive and solution-oriented
  • Excellent communication skills – verbal and written
  • Extraordinary guest interaction, organizational and time management skills
  • Ability and willingness to accept and provide feedback
  • Strong problem solving and decision-making skills

Our “Desirables” 

  • College and above education. Bachelor’s degree in business, marketing, retail, or related field will be preferred
  • General computer knowledge