
Location: China Mainland

State/Province/City: Yunnan

City: 昆明

Business Unit: Store

Description & Requirements





  • 热情领导零售区,进行指导和宣介
  • 有前瞻性地管理所有库存、售罄率和定价决策
  • 开发、策划并举办精彩的社区活动
  • 积极主动进行招聘,充实人才队伍;不断寻找出色的新成员加入团队
  • 领导、指导并赋能团队;了解并发展你的人才梯队
  • 倡导拥护 lululemon 的核心价值观
  • 与你的门店领导团队紧密合作,创造超越公司目标的成果,包括负责门店的盈亏和利润/贡献目标
  • 在区域经理的指导下,代表门店参加所有必要的会议
  • 根据你的门店领导团队的要求,执行并完成其他额外的项目、职责和任务
  • 能从工作中找到乐趣,享受从零开始不断创造,激励团队和社区
  • 以身作则,平衡工作与生活
  • 不断自我发展/自我学习
  • 作为门店的领导者,你需要全身心投入门店,融入和拥护 lululemon 文化和用于个人成长和发展的工具。喜爱这些工具,并热情地激励团队学习。
  • 通过经常查看公司内部沟通平台,主动获取有关公司常规信息、门店政策、流程、质量控制、新产品/款式、客人反馈/体验和员工信息的知识和宣介。

  • 对瑜伽和/或其他健身、健康或运动活动拥有热情、具备相关知识并参与其中。身为门店领导团队一员,您需要能够和门店团队一同参与门店内外的每周健身活动。
  • 对零售区管理、客人体验、产品陈列和售罄率满怀热情
  • 热衷于打造让人难以忘怀的客人体验
  • 具备非凡的领导能力
  • 具有创业家精神,具备决策能力和计算风险能力
  • 能够激励团队 – 引领团队创造美好未来
  • 对自己的生活和结果负起全部责任和义务 - 以自己热爱的方式生活
  • 要有诚信 - 说到做到
  • 承诺给予反馈并愿意接受反馈 - 热衷于学习,并用开放的心态接受对你工作表现的反馈
  • 具有团队精神 - 始终与团队携手共进
  • 知人善任,管理项目,并授权团队 
  • 优秀的决策和问题解决能力
  • 能在多变的环境中进行多任务处理
  • 具有良好的人际关系和书面沟通能力
  • 有较强的组织能力和时间管理能力


  • 有两年以上出色的零售管理和团队管理经验
  • 商科、市场营销、零售或相关专业学士学位
  • 熟练掌握 MS Office (Word、Excel 和 Outlook)

lululemon athletica is seeking a highly capable leader who is passionate about developing their team and connecting with the community as our Store Manager. The key objective of this position is to develop incredible leaders, grow the business, and positively impact their surrounding community.
As the leader on the store floor, you are responsible for the management and activities of all aspects of store operations.  

About the role

Major areas of responsibility include hiring, developing, managing, motivating, and training of staff.  
Other key areas of focus are driving grass-roots community relationships, fostering a culture of personal responsibility and fun, inventory management, product sell-through, floor management, payroll, cash administration, visual merchandising, sales and budget planning and most importantly, providing an AMAZING guest experience - wow!

A Day in the Life 

  • You passionately lead, coach, and educate on the retail floor
  • You strategically manage all inventory, sell through and pricing decisions
  • You develop, plan, and execute kick-ass community events
  • You proactively recruit to fill your people pipeline, always on the lookout for amazing additions to your team
  • You lead, coach, and empower your team, understanding and developing your pipeline
  • You take a stand as an advocate for lululemon athletica’s values
  • You work closely with your leadership team, producing results which smash company goals including being responsible for the store’s P&L and profit/contribution targets
  • You represent your store at all required meetings and conferences, under the direction of your regional manager
  • You perform and complete other additional projects, duties, and assignments as required by your leadership team
  • You have FUN at work, creating from nothing and inspiring your team and community
  • You are a stand for work/life balance and lead by example.
  • Self-development/learning 
  • As leader of the store you are fully enrolled and are an advocate for the culture of lululemon athletica and the tools available for personal growth and development. You love these tools and passionately enroll your team in the learning.
  • You proactively acquire knowledge/education regarding company general information, store policies and processes, quality control, new garments/styles, guest feedback/experiences, and staff information by consistently reviewing company communication.

Our “Must Haves” 


  • Have passion, knowledge and involvement in yoga and/or other fitness, health, or sports activities. As part of the leadership team, you participate in weekly fitness activities in and out of the store with the store team-Hooray!
  • Are excited about the lululemon athletica retail floor, guest experience, product placement and sell through
  • LOVE LOVE LOVE guest experience
  • Are an extraordinary leader with demonstrated capabilities
  • Are an entrepreneur with the ability to make decisions and take calculated risks
  • Can inspire a team – leaders create a future that would not have existed otherwise
  • Take full responsibility and accountability for your life and results – you live a life you love
  • Have integrity – you do what you say you will do, when you say you will do it
  • Are committed to giving and receiving feedback – you feel there is always more to learn and are open to feedback on your performance
  • Are an excellent team player – you are always in the game right along with your team
  • Manage projects and delegate by putting people on the right seat of the bus
  • Have excellent decision making and problem resolution skills
  • Can handle multiple tasks in a changing environment
  • Have excellent interpersonal and written communication skills
  • Have incredible organization and time management skills

Our “Desirables” 

  • Two years of exceptional performance and leadership on retail floor 
  • Bachelor’s degree in business, marketing, retail, or related field
  • Strong knowledge of MS Office (Word, Excel, and Outlook).